A young woman holding her bicycle with one hand and a backpack in the other hand.
Neue Revolutionizes the way wearable technology can impact the fashion industry
This Swedish fashion tech company, approached the DTech Lab with an opportunity to explore advanced digitization of fashion for two globally leading brands, BACK and POC Sports.
A woman with a shaved head holds the tiny Neue microchip between her teeth.
Be Sustainable
The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the the world.
create New digital Business Models
The fashion industry is slowly adapting to new digital technologies.

Neue looks to advance wearable technology. developed a new microchip and software platform designed to specifically integrate into fashion and accessories.

Students were tasked with integrating new technologies into the fashion brand lines of POC Sports and BACK.
POC Sports
POC is a high-end sports apparel brand, best known for its helmets. Having recently launched a new product line intended specifically for bicycle commuters, it looked to the DTech Lab to create a product that utilizes wearable technology to enhance urban cyclist safety.

In response to this exciting challenge, the team developed a backpack with embedded directional signals and brake lights,  controlled by the cyclist's mobile. The phone maps out a route through the city,  utilizing Neue’s microchip to control small vibrating motors on the rider's thighs indicating where to turn.
A young woman wearing the backpack while sitting on a bike.
A young woman wearing the backpack while sitting on a bike. The lights on the backpack are illuminating.
Simultaneously the microchip turns on directional signals alerting anyone behind the rider to their intentions.

If the rider stops short the red brake lights on the backpack turn on.

The user need not move his hands off the bike or lose sight, as all the communication happens between the phone and the backpack automatically.
Ann Sofie Back
Ann Sofie Back's design aesthetic combines unique thinking and fashion, aimed towards intelligent and confident women.

Students designed a cutting edge dress, featured at the Harper’s Bazaar ICONS event that explored fashion as a service powered by wearable technology.

The provocative designs were only the starting point for the students to pioneer how wearable technology creates opportunities featuring a business model where technology and fashion merge.
The Ann Sofie Back dress displaying the illuminating underwire under the model's breasts.
Photo of DTech director Michael Ferraro in a black suit. Next to him is a model wearing the Ann Sofie Back dress at a gala.
The team pitched a rental economy solution that utilized the Neue chip to exchange data with BACK.

They recognized  that creating a sharing community and collecting data was a new approach promoting sustainability by reducing product, while allowing brands to be profitable.
A2 Chip and Playground App
The driver for digitizing fashion will be digital content.

Personalization and smart functions create a new and sustainable solution for the fashion industry.

Neue's Playground helps companies to connect garments, develop content and services, and go to market. It consists of customized hardware packed with sensors, developer software and adapted end user apps.
A display of the components of the Neue A2 micro chip and wires.
TEam MEmbers
Neue Labs AB Participants
Fredrik Timour
Johan Avoine
Emil Wallin

Hair & Makeup
Janeth Ruiz

Katy Kuang
Karina Ochoa Beltran
Stephanie Zhang

April Blum
FIT Student Participants
POC Project Team

Anastasia Edwards-Morel
Audrey Leonard
Jean Claude Aramouni
Karina Ochoa Beltran

Back Project Team
Caroline Berti
Julia Husch
Stephanie Zhang

FIT Faculty Participants
Fashion Design

Eileen Karp
Prof. Andy Liu
Prof. Leonard Bess

Leroy McLeod
Julian Catasus y Brueggemann

Video Post Production
Julian Catasus y Brueggemann